At least five Greenpoint companies are accused of dumping toxic chemicals – and now neighborhood residents may be breathing dangerous vapors in their own homes.
It could be years before the giant underground “plume” filled with cancer-linked chemicals is cleaned up and the polluters forced to pay for it – if they ever are, officials conceded.
The chemicals, TCE and PCE – used in dry cleaning and metalworking and linked to birth defects and infertility – were found in soil and ground water under the tidy rowhouses and streets of the historically industrial neighborhood.
A 165-acre area and nearly 450 homes are being probed for contamination, officials said.
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Medical malpractice lawsuits over infections acquired in hospitals are increasing nationwide, according to a report in the Maryland Daily Record. A number of hospital infection lawsuits have resulted in multi-million dollar verdicts recently, and a growing number of experts suggest that nearly all such infections can be prevented if certain steps are taken by the hospital and medical staff.
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When her son was diagnosed with mucormycosis, Suzi Yaeger did what many people would do and typed the unfamiliar word into an Internet search engine.
Phrases including “high mortality rate,” “poor prognosis” and “often fatal” jumped off the computer screen.
Daniel Yaeger, 16, had contracted the very rare fungal infection from mold in the closet of a home the family leased until September, doctors found. He has been hospitalized since Oct. 28, hoping that doctors can get him well enough to perform an operation to remove his right lung, his mother said.
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Hahessy gave numerous examples of indoor things that can cause health issues. One of the most common problems is a neglected air conditioner. People will often buy cheaper filters unsuited for their air-conditioning units, forget to change their filters or run the air conditioning too high, creating an increased risk of allergy-causing dust mites, Hahessy said.
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A gas generator is being blamed for a carbon monoxide gas leak that sickened 12 people in the Kingsessing section of Philadelphia on Friday morning.
Around 3am, residents inside three homes along the 5600 block of Warrington Street were alerted by a carbon monoxide detector.
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The Florida Department of Health has received many complaints from homeowners throughout Florida stating the drywall in their homes is causing health problems. The cause of the problem may be linked to imported Chinese drywall used in the construction or renovation of homes. In this ABC news segment, AirMD’s scientific director, Simon Hahessy, discusses potential health issues related to Chinese drywall, as well as, indicators that may identify issues.
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Here is a segment with AirMD’s scientific director being interviewed on the NBC South Florida Today Show. The discussion relates to how your home can contribute pollutants and affect your health. Also in the segment are measures you can take to control exposures to indoor polluants and contaminants.
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Environmental Protection Agency States Indoor Environments Are
5-20 Times More Polluted Than Outdoors
AIRMD Advises Homeowners and Businesses to Test For Indoor Air Quality to Create Better Health
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boca Raton, Florida; March 5th, 2009) — In a recent report, the Florida Department of Health has received many complaints from homeowners throughout the state of Florida stating the drywall in their homes is causing serious health problems and damages. The cause of the problem has been linked to imported Chinese drywall used in the construction of the homes. Residents of the homes, constructed by well-known builders Lennar, Centerline and Taylor Morrison have complained about serious respiratory ailments. The issues were uncovered as a result of mysterious foul odors and corroded wiring, mechanical appliances and fixtures. Although the builders are taking action to resolve these issues, home owners are encouraged to conduct a thorough independent air quality inspection. Please visit to view recent news reports.
AIRMD, a progressive science-based company, designed to meet the indoor air quality needs of residences and businesses, and is ready to help. AIRMD sets a new standard for indoor health and wellness as part of the worldwide movement to promote natural and sustainable living. With the EPA reporting elevated levels of indoor air pollution, it has become the number one environmental health concern in the United States. Currently there are no local, state or federal regulations or standards established and, unfortunately, the public remains largely unaware.
The Department of Health Indoor Toxics Program, a governmental agency conceived in 1994, was designed to provide advice and expertise to Floridians with indoor air problems in residences, but with limited staffing, this program cannot possibly reach all citizens it was intended to protect.
AIRMD was…
Lennar Corp., a Miami-based homebuilder, said it has identified about 80 homes in Southwest Florida that are believed to have been built using Chinese drywall. Lennar said it has hired an environmental testing company to conduct air sampling in its homes. The issue is a concern because the drywall apparently emits chemicals that purportedly cause health concerns. Many homeowners have complained about a sulfur odor. “When we noticed that a number of our homes in Southwest Florida were experiencing problems with air-conditioning systems, we began taking a closer look,” the company said in a news release. Some drywall can emit a naturally occurring sulfur compound that, when it interacts with the copper in the air conditioning coil, can cause corrosion and lead to failure.
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