An Invisible Threat to Indoor Air Quality: Part II – VOCs

An Invisible Threat to Indoor Air Quality: Part II - VOCs

These days, perhaps more than ever, indoor air quality testing is proving to be a priority for many families. In order to protect ourselves and our communities from the spread of Covid-19, we are all spending more time at home. But there are threats inside your home as well.

In fact, according to the EPA (the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), “studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times — and occasionally more than 100 times — higher than outdoor levels.”

You won’t be able to detect most of the pollutants that may be contaminating your home. At AirMD, an environmental testing company, some of the biggest threats that we test the indoor air quality of your home for are completely invisible airborne gases.

Formaldehyde, as we explained in a previous post, is one of four types of airborne gasses that the professionals who handle indoor air quality testing at AirMD screen for. The other three are:

  1. Volatile Organic Compounds
  2. Carbon Monoxide
  3. Carbon Dioxide

VOC Testing

Among the most important things that AirMD’s trained professionals screen for when conducting an indoor air quality test are volatile organic compounds, more commonly referred to as VOCs.

You may be surprised – unpleasantly so – by the common household items that could be releasing unhealthy airborne gasses into your home and negatively impacting the quality of the indoor air your family is breathing.

The American Lung Association has identified a long list of building materials, household cleaners, personal care products and common activities that can release harmful VOCs inside your home. Some things – like pesticides, fuel oil, gasoline and tobacco smoke – seem obvious. But their list also includes:

  • Household cleaning products and disinfectants
  • Air fresheners
  • Cosmetics and deodorants
  • Popular craft products, such as glue and markers
  • Home office printers and copiers
  • Furniture
  • Certain types of flooring, carpet and pressed wood products
  • Paint and paint strippers
  • Adhesives as well as caulks and sealants
  • The clothes you picked up at the dry-cleaners
  • Wood-burning stoves and fireplaces

For more information on environmental testing services from AirMD, including VOC testing, please contact us.

By Simon Hahessy | Posted in Air Quality Testing