AirMD provides affordable, comprehensive indoor air quality testing for the real estate industry.
Home Buyers: Home or office buildings must be tested during the inspection period to ensure mold or other environmental issues are not present.
Home Sellers: Having homes tested prior to listing for sale will increase marketability. A proactive approach will help you to comply with appropriate disclosure requirements.
Real Estate Agents: Potential home sales are often disrupted due to an environmental issue reported during an inspection even though most issues are solvable. The AirMD customer receives an independent, scientific, third party analysis at an affordable price.
Relocation Companies: At AirMD we offer many types of indoor environmental inspections that are required by relocation companies such as lead and mold testing.
To ask an AirMD scientist a question about this service please Click Here or to schedule an appointment call 1-888-462-4763 or 1-888-GO-AIRMD