Breathe Easier with Air Quality Wellness Testing

Breathe Easier with Air Quality Wellness Testing

Like you, most of the indoor air quality testing experts here at AirMD have been spending significantly more time at home over the past year.

When you were rushing around from work to the kids’ soccer games, the piano recital, the meeting with prospective clients, dinner with the girls, the networking event, picking up the dry cleaning, shopping for a dress for the gala, you probably didn’t have a whole lot of time to kick back on the couch and think. But, since Covid-19 hit, the couch has become all too familiar for most of us.

If you are lucky, you might have seen the time you have been spending at home as an opportunity to slow down, to think about the little things we might normally take for granted and to breathe.

For many of us, it has been an opportunity to remind ourselves of what is really important. For most of us, especially in these challenging times, that is health and wellness – our own as well as our family’s.

That refocusing and concerns about indoor air quality testing and water quality testing has brought a lot of folks to our door.

Wellness Testing

You might not have realized that some of the things you do all the time – like cleaning the kitchen or running your air conditioning – can contaminate your environment. Even things like carpeting and furniture can release chemicals and contaminants into the air.

Our comprehensive Residential Wellness Test looks at indoor air quality in your home and takes all of that into account. One of our environmental testing pros will come to your home with scientific equipment designed to detect things like:

  • Airborne particles
  • Moisture levels that could facilitate the growth of mold
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • VOCs

If you would like more information about our environmental testing services, please contact us. And if you have noticed that you have been feeling better since you stopped going into the office to work, you might want to tell your employer that we also offer Commercial Wellness Testing for indoor air quality.

By Simon Hahessy | Posted in Air Quality Testing