Environmental testing is usually a time-sensitive matter. Whether you need water quality testing, an indoor air quality test or, perhaps, a mold inspection, chances are that you are not calling on a whim. you need to know if you have a problem sooner rather than later.
When an emergency – like a hurricane or flood – hits your business, you need to get back up and running as fast as you can. As they say, time is money.
You could take your chances, or you could plan ahead and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that, in the event of an emergency, the professional help you need to get your business back up and running will be there.
With the Emergency Response Services Program from AirMD, you won’t be told that we are just too busy to help you.
In the event of an emergency – like a hurricane or a flood – the chances are high that your business won’t be the only one affected. People from organizations large and small will be frantically trying to get back on their feet as quickly as possible.
For many, environmental testing and inspections will be among the first steps that need to be taken.
The Emergency Response Services Program from AirMD ensures that you will have prompt access to environmental testing and related inspection services when disaster strikes.
Additional benefits of the program include:
For more information about the Emergency Response Program available to AirMD’s Environmental Management System customers, contact us online or call 1-888-462-4763 or 1-888-GO-AIRMD. Our water quality testing pros as well as our indoor air quality testing experts know that every hour your business spends waiting for environmental testing to be conducted is costing your business money.