Our work as an environmental testing company is based in science. Our indoor air quality testing experts know exactly how the respiratory droplets and the virus-bearing aerosols that spread Covid-19 move through the environment.
Our water quality testers understand the science involved in handwashing, too. But, we might not do as good a job of explaining hand hygiene as the folks at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do (they have people who translate the technical aspects of the science into regular English!).
As the CDC explains, “Germs are everywhere. They are within and on our bodies and on every surface you touch.’ We’re all on hyper-alert because of Covid-19 but it’s important to remember that not all of those germs are bad. It might sound counterintuitive, but you need some of them to help you stay healthy and strengthen your immune system.
These are challenging times for all of us. If the environmental testing and wellness experts at AirMD can help you and your family in any way, please contact us.