AirMD’s asbestos testing and survey assess for the presence of asbestos in building materials that can be harmful.
Bacteria testing assesses indoor locations likely to have high concentrations of bacteria that can cause disease.
Heavy metals are compounds that negatively affect people’s health. They can enter the water system through groundwater.
Lead may cause health issues but especially in children and women who are pregnant. Lead may be found in paint, dust or soil.
AirMD’s mold testing and inspection services are an assessment of conditions within the indoor environment related to mold.
Pesticides are commonly found indoors but may be applied in concentrations that are not favorable resulting in health issues.
VOC’s can be harmful and originate indoors from multiple sources including carpets, adhesives, wood floors and paints.
AirMD water testing determines levels of bacteria in water and whether your water quality conforms to acceptable standards.
Advanced wellness is a comprehensive whole house or office test that assesses the condition of your indoor environment.
Allergy Testing assesses the level of indoor contaminants that may be causing allergic reactions or other symptoms.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time.