According to the Center for Disease and Control (CDC), Americans spend as much as 90% of their time indoors, a large portion taking place at the office. From our experience, most people are unaware of their indoor air quality because we are in a reactive-based industry. AirMD is dedicated to bringing awareness to the importance of consistently improving and maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Being consistent is key to attaining an ideal working environment. We achieve our objective by providing comprehensive testing and consulting services customized for each and every client. Part of our process is to determine the most effective solutions so that our clients can become PROACTIVE as opposed to REACTIVE.
The results of poor indoor air quality not only cause health issues, but may adversely affect worker productivity. Furthermore, in some extreme cases, the threat of potential litigation from occupants and employees is a major concern for companies.
To create a healthier and more productive working environment for employees, we urge companies to integrate a system for continuous indoor air quality monitoring. At AirMD, our team of certified scientists has formulated a detailed IAQ Environmental Management System to educate business owners, building owners, and management about indoor environmental conditions and to reduce potential liability in commercial office spaces.
The benefits of implementing AirMD’s IAQ Environmental Management System include:
AirMD provides comprehensive environmental consulting nationwide.
Call us at 1-888-GO AIRMD with any of your indoor environmental questions and concerns, or to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants
For more information, please explore our website right here at www.airmd.com