If you’ve purchased flooring in your home or office from Lumber Liquidators, you might be a little concerned after recent statements which report the company may have sold some laminate flooring from China tainted with excessive levels of formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a known cause of myeloid leukemia and other cancers, as well as respiratory issues and eye, nose, and throat irritations. Millions of home and business owners could be affected by this issue. And the concern is real.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is formaldehyde and what is it used in?
A: Formaldehyde is a colorless, reactive, strong-smelling gas at room temperature. It is one chemical in a large family of chemical compounds called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The term volatile means that the compounds vaporize or become a gas at room temperature. Formaldehyde can be manufactured as a liquid (formalin) or a solid (paraformaldehyde). Formaldehyde is an important industrial chemical used to make other chemicals and different types of products, such as: home furnishings, household cleaners, paints, textiles, landscape and yard products, medicinal and personal care products, and pesticides.
Q: Why should I be concerned?
A: Formaldehyde exposure may potentially cause a variety of symptoms and adverse health effects, such as eye, nose, throat, and skin irritation, coughing, wheezing, and allergic reactions. Long term exposure to high levels of formaldehyde has been associated with cancer in humans and laboratory animals. Formaldehyde can affect people differently. Some people are very sensitive to formaldehyde at a certain level, while others may not have any noticeable reaction to the same level.
Q: Is it safe to stay in our home if I have laminate flooring made in China?
A: If you or family members are experiencing symptoms that you believe may be related to products in your home, including laminate wood flooring, you should consult a physician and consider testing. Sometimes it’s good to have the air quality assessment done prior to going to the physician so that can analyze the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) based upon your symptoms.
You should also consider taking precautionary steps to minimize formaldehyde levels in the home (e.g., minimizing sources of formaldehyde, increasing ventilation, keeping temperature and humidity levels low. Additionally, to be 100% safe, you should have the indoor air quality test for Formaldehyde completed. Indoor air testing can provide guidance on the presence or absence of elevated levels of formaldehyde in the home or office –- which can determine whether further action is warranted.
Q: I received the free home air quality test kits for Lumber Liquidators, is that enough?
A: The home testing method Lumber Liquidators is using to reassure customers that their floors are safe is being questioned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Additionally, the EPA took issue with some of Lumber Liquidators’ statements in a letter it sent to customers who had completed the formaldehyde tests. The company cited a “recent study” from the EPA to reassure customers. However, that research was an outside study that was referenced in an agency document and doesn’t represent an EPA conclusion. The EPA doesn’t have standards on formaldehyde, but rules proposed in 2013 may be finalized this year, the agency said.
Q: What are my other options?
Q: I want this done fast – what is the turnaround time for formaldehyde testing?
A: We can typically schedule your air quality test within 2 – 3 days of receiving your call and you will receive the report within 7 business days.
If you are concerned that your home or office could be one of the many affected and your health could be at risk, please contact AirMD, a Formaldehyde Testing Company, to arrange testing immediately.
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