That’s why AirMD offers testing for mold, VOCs, and lead
When they first think of us, most people think of things like the VOC testing, asbestos inspections, mold testing and mold removal Boca Raton based AirMD performs. Yes, we are experts when it comes to mold testing in Orlando and mold removal in Tampa, but our science-based environmental testing and consulting services cover a broad range of health hazards – including lead contamination.
It hasn’t been long since headlines about the lead contamination in the water that families in Flint, Michigan had believed to be safe first caught the nation’s attention. Knowing what’s in the water you drink, use for bathing and cook with is important, but water isn’t the only possible source of lead contamination.
Lead poses serious health risks for children. But, as WebMD reports, “Many parents don’t know much about how to prevent lead poisoning. Lead isn’t only in paint chips. It can show up in surprising places — like dust on your windowsill, or in your vegetable garden, or in a playground.”
If you have questions regarding possible lead contamination, an experienced AirMD consultant can offer answers. In general, lead contamination is insidious. It can be ingested or inhaled. Depending on the level of exposure, a child exposed to lead may experience damage to his or her nervous system, headaches, high blood pressure, digestive problems and muscle or joint pain.
Despite the threat lead poses, WebMD reports that, “Many parents don’t know much about how to prevent lead poisoning. Lead isn’t only in paint chips. It can show up in surprising places — like dust on your windowsill, or in your vegetable garden, or in a playground.”
WebMD identified 5 Surprising Sources of Lead Exposure you should be aware of, including:
“Although lead-based paint hasn’t been sold since 1978, plenty of older homes still have it,” WebMD explains. “Tiny fragments of lead paint can float through the air and accumulate on surfaces throughout your house. Babies can pick them up on their hands and get them into their mouths. They can also breathe them in directly. Contrary to what you might think, it doesn’t take much. Even at very low levels of exposure, lead dust can cause harm.”
You may be careful to buy only safe products for your project, but if you have an older home, you could expose lead paint and send particles into the air in the process.
WebMD reports that, “Any structures built before 1978 — houses, schools, barns, sheds, fences, and playground equipment — might have once had lead paint on the exterior. As that paint breaks down, it can contaminate the soil beneath it.”
“Imported toys tainted with lead have made news recently. The lead can be both in the paint and in the plastic itself. Sucking or chewing on the toy — or getting lead on the hands — can be enough to poison a child.”
“10%-20% of childhood lead poisoning is caused by contaminated drinking water. It might not surprise you that old plumbing — especially from 1930 or earlier — can contain lead,” WebMD says. “Here’s what is surprising: pipes in very new homes are potentially a greater risk for lead.”
If your home or office building is less than five years old, the EPA says you should assume your water is contaminated by lead. An AirMD assessment can provide peace of mind. Call 1-888-462-4763 for more information on lead testing or on any of our other services, including asbestos inspections, VOC testing and mold removal. Boca Raton based AirMD is here for you.