Here at AirMD, a science-based environmental testing company based in Boca Raton, Florida, when we think about indoor air quality, we are usually thinking about things like home allergen tests, VOC testing and mold inspections. But there are other ways to look at the quality of the air in your home.
“Pause a moment from the holiday hustle to take a deep breath. Turns out, the smells you’re taking in could be doing wonders for your body and brain,” the folks at Real Simple say.
That’s right, some of the scents that we most closely associate with the holidays bring gifts of their very own.
It’s not just the sight of a sparkling Christmas tree that can lift your spirits. “The scent of pine could help bust some of the stress that goes hand-in-hand with this time of year,” Real Simple reports. “Researchers at Japan’s Kyoto University found that participants who took two 15-minute walks through a pine forest reported improved moods and lower feelings of depression and hostility.”
You don’t have to invest the time and money to put up a live Christmas tree to get these benefits (if you haven’t been to the tree lots yet, you’ll find the trees are on the pricey side this year). You can enjoy the scent of pine with essential oils and candles.
Here in South Florida, we are a little short of pine forests, but don’t worry. Nature isn’t stingy when it comes to offering stress relief.
As the folks at National Geographic report, “Forest bathing is not just for the wilderness-lover; the practice can be as simple as walking in any natural environment and consciously connecting with what’s around you.”
If you live in Boca Raton, you might want to stretch your legs at the Yamato Scrub Natural Area. You can definitely ease your stress by spending a little time exploring the grounds of the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach, which offers some beautiful green pathways to explore.
And, of course, there is Mounts Botanical Garden in West Palm Beach. Mounts is Palm Beach County’s oldest and largest botanical garden. It offers 14 acres of tropical and subtropical plants for you to explore. In the 25 different display gardens, you can find more than 2,000 different types of plants, including Florida native plants, exotic and tropical fruit trees, herbs, palms, roses, cactus, bromeliads and more.
If you would like more information about indoor air quality testing, we hope you will contact us.