If you have the right skills and a bit of passion, do-it-yourself projects are an excellent way to make home improvements affordably. However, anyone who has done any renovation knows that you never know what could be in your walls or behind finishes in a home until they are open. This can make a DIY project potentially dangerous and lead to DIY renovation mistakes. To keep yourself safe, it is important to know what issues could exist in your home.
Lead Paint
Surfaces painted prior to 1978 may contain lead paint. Lead paint is harmful when it flakes off a painted surface and sanding releases lead dust into the air. Have a lead paint test is necessary before you start sanding to repaint or rip out painted surfaces like walls and window frames. If your paint contains lead, you can remove it while wearing a respirator, coat it with a bonding agent to seal it in or have a professional come and remove the paint for you.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber previously used in shingles, siding, insulation, floor tiles and ceiling tiles due to its light weight and fire resistance. Unfortunately, it is now known to cause lung cancer and other serious diseases when its fibers are inhaled. Asbestos testing is the only way to know for sure if any of the materials in your home contain asbestos, and it is important to have the test done before you start removing tiles, insulation, siding or other potentially contaminated materials. If asbestos is present, these items will need to be removed by a professional asbestos abatement team.
For those with allergies, the presence of mold alone may be enough to cause illness. Others, however, may not feel the effects of hidden mold until its spores are released into the air. If your remodeling a kitchen or bathroom where water may have leaked at one time, it is important to have mold testing the second you find evidence of prior water damage. This will tell you if you have mold and what kind it is if you do. Once you know what you’re dealing with you can formulate a cleanup plan.
If you suspect the quality of your air may be compromised, the only way to ensure your safety is to have an indoor air quality evaluation performed by the professional staff at AirMD. They are an environmental testing and consulting firm capable of testing for numerous dangers including mold, asbestos and formaldehyde. Don’t leave you and your family’s health at risk. Call today for a consultation.
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