The headquarters of our environmental testing company are located in an area that people all around the world want to visit – sunny South Florida. If you want to narrow it down, we help homeowners and businesses with indoor air quality testing and water quality testing from our offices in beautiful Boca Raton, Florida.
Whether you are in Boca, Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale or Miami – South Florida is a slice of subtropical paradise. People save up for years to visit our beaches, to shop at our stores, to explore our unique natural environment and to relax and dream. And this is the place we are fortunate enough to call home!
Of course, no place is perfect. It does get uncomfortably hot and humid in South Florida this time of year. And we are keeping our eyes on the tropics as we reach the peak of what has been an incredibly busy hurricane season. And, yes, occasionally someone has to deal with a stray alligator showing up in their backyard pool.
But we look at those issues the way the folks in Wisconsin look at snowstorms. They just come with the territory. (And on the bright side, if it weren’t for those little glitches, it might be even more crowded down here!)
On the other hand, there are problems that pop up from time to time that can interfere with our enjoyment of the South Florida. In some cases, they can even negatively impact the health and wellness of our friends and neighbors who live in the area.
For example, last year, the Palm Beach Post reported on traces of arsenic that were found on land slated for residential development in Palm Beach County. The land had served as the setting for golf courses. It is not uncommon to find arsenic in the soil on land that has been used for golfing. The heavy use of weedkillers and pest killers needed to maintain those pristine greens and fairways can lead to a buildup of arsenic and other toxins in the soil.
Developers know this going in. As Jonathan Grebow, of Ridgewood Real Estate Partners, which converting golf course property west of Lake Worth Beach, told the Post, “We know going in that we will probably have to spend some money to remediate. The cost can range from a few hundred thousand dollars to a few million dollars. You factor all that in.” In addition to that project, golf course conversions are planned west of Delray Beach.
If you have concerns about contaminants affecting the quality of your home’s water or indoor air, we can help you find answers and peace of mind. Contact us if we can assist you.