The AirMD IAQ Environmental Management System was created to reduce potential liability, increase worker productivity, decrease absenteeism and educate business owners, building owners and management about indoor environmental conditions. The cornerstone of this system is the Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan which provides cost saving information for building owners and businesses.
Occupant complaints related to indoor air or environmental quality need to be given serious attention, investigated and documented. Data logging devices are non intrusive tools used to collect information to help determine the presence of environmental contaminants and provide the facts and figures necessary to make effective decisions. AirMD offers a broad range of investigative assessment services at a reasonable cost.
A complete Environmental Management plan includes periodic inspections, upkeep of appropriate logs and checklists, up to date building plans, maintenance records and management training. The goal of the Awareness Training module is to educate and encourage Facility Managers and Executives to be proactive and to assist in establishing procedures that anticipate, prevent and correct IAQ issues.
The US Green Building Council LEED rating system offers a way to define and measure “green buildings”. LEED Section 3.2 is specific to air quality and the assessment of environmental contaminants. The AirMD 3.2 Compliance Module will assess for the presence of additional contaminants not covered in the AirMD IAQ Monitoring Plan. This module coupled with the IAQ Monitoring Plan creates compliance in achieving green building standards for air quality.
Approximately $9.1 Billion dollars were spent in property losses associated with water damage from 2007 through 2009 according to the American Insurance Association. By implementing a periodic building envelope and moisture intrusion prevention plan, issues can be identified and avoided before they occur thereby saving the high cost of remedial actions.
Most IAQ emergency situations are time sensitive. Whether the emergency is the result of a natural disaster, flood, sewage back up, or a different IAQ problem – a timely response can mean all the difference. AirMD offers priority Emergency Response to its Environmental Management System customers.