Simon Hahessy Says:
This weekend, devastating news was received by the Travolta family; their son Jett was found dead as a result of seizures. His health history identifies that as a child he had a disease known as Kawasaki syndrome.
Causes of the syndrome are not conclusively known but studies and the medical field has identified strong links to immunological causes for the disease. Additionally, studies including those from the Children’s Hospital Boston identified strong correlations between Kawasaki disease and exposures to carpet cleaning activities and materials.
I find it very disturbing that medical studies have again strongly linked another disease from behaviors and products conducted in our home environments. As discussed in previous blogs, undiagnosed immunological diseases are on the increase. Human exposures to chemicals and other pollutants are on the increase. The numbers of pollutants present in our home environments are on the increase.
It is not a coincidence that there are strong connections between these facts. It is time for everyone to take note of the serious health implications associated with home and work environments that can affect your health and the health of your families.
Necessary steps to live safer and healthier is each persons own responsibility. Understanding and having awareness of the types of materials and products that are introduced into the home is imperative. Understanding what can harm you is important so you can make the right choices.
Choosing cleaning products without certain chemicals, choosing certified low VOC emitting carpeting and furniture and utilizing MERV rated filtration are some ways you can live in a healthier home. If you are not informed then you will always choose the wrong options that have contributed to many diseases and illnesses. Unfortunately many products and materials we are exposed to have never been regulated or tested.
Increasing awareness and building an informed community is what AirMD is based upon. If you are not sure or feel uninformed reaching out to me or AirMD is the positive step needed to live a healthier life.